There are days when we feel we cannot go on …it is on those days that we must keep walking.

There are those days when we say to ourselves – “is this really all that there is?” is on those days we whisper to ourselves – “NO!..there is SO MUCH MORE”

There are those days when you wish the Universe/God ..whatever you call the Higher Power would just send you some BIG SIGN to say.. “Here..SEE! I told you it would all be OK”

There are those days when your dreams seem so close yet so far is on those days that you look at those people like Abraham Lincoln, Ulysess S. Grant, Estee Lauder, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling, Chris Gardner, Oprah and say to yourself “Some of them were homeless, some had a nervous breakdown and lost 8 elections, one was on assistance… and THEY MADE IT!!”

Dig deep down inside your soul, protect your dream, don’t let anyone tell you that you cannot achieve it! Don’t even tell yourself that you cannot achieve it! YOU CAN!
