
Eosinophilic Granuloma in Cats healed without drugs

Eosinophilic Granuloma in cats healed without drugs?  Is it possible? Yes!  So many pet parents are searching for answers to heal this illness and so many turn to chemicals to do so. It saddens me to watch, however,  let me reassure you that you can uproot this and there are so many tools you can use to help your cat with Eosinophilic Granuloma. And those tools don't have to include putting your cat on steroids for the rest of their life. How do I know this? I know this because I lived it with my cat Bailey. How did it [...]

Raw and Real Cat Food Recipe

I have so many people asking me about how I make my Raw Cat Food recipe, so I thought I would put pen to paper (so to speak) and write it out here for everyone. I am a HUGE fan of raw cat/dog food. I have seen the benefits first hand and I will never go back! If you have been following my blog, I wrote a post entitled Four Building Blocks to Better Health for your Pet: . and Food was the very first thing I mention in that post. Food is of utmost importance for all species that [...]

By |2022-01-25T20:11:53+00:00January 25, 2022|Pets, Uncategorized|2 Comments

Four Building Blocks to Better Health for Your Pets

I get so many friends and family calling and/or asking me about their pet's health issues. I love to get these calls because that means I get another opportunity to help folks and their animals. When I get these calls, I always, always start with questions that target the conversation to what I consider four building blocks to better health for their pets. Those questions center around the following : A. What kind of food is the animal on? Did the food change? and when? food is extremely important for keeping our animals and ourselves healthy. I am a huge [...]

By |2022-01-14T15:17:25+00:00January 14, 2022|Pets, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Four Building Blocks to Better Health for Your Pets

What is an Animal Communicator? Grieving the Loss of our Pets

  I felt compelled to share this today as I have had the gift of  connecting with someone who is grieving so deeply over the loss of her beloved pet over the last few days. I too have experienced this deep sadness when my cats have passed and I am most certain, many of you have as well. Why is this grief felt at the core our being? It's like someone drilled a hole in your heart. The pain is so unbearable you can never imagine having another pet in your life again because you can't go through this pain again -it's [...]

By |2021-11-06T15:47:16+00:00February 26, 2021|Blog, Pets|Comments Off on What is an Animal Communicator? Grieving the Loss of our Pets

Christmas 2019 from Hospice Care to Toddler Care

Christmas Tree 2019    This Christmas has been an interesting one. I found myself being a Hospice nurse to my sweet, beautiful cat Bella until the day she passed away on December 13th and then a new mom, to the cutest little baby boy, who I named Nicholas for St. Nick , a week afterwards. I had thought this year would be filled with days of cookie baking, my best year decorating yet and wrapping all the gifts with pretty ribbons and bows, handmade with each family member and friend in mind .It didn't quite go as I had planned and I really [...]

By |2021-11-06T15:56:01+00:00January 1, 2020|Blog, Holidays, Inspiration, Pets|Comments Off on Christmas 2019 from Hospice Care to Toddler Care

A Cat with Cancer, Hoping for my own “Mrs. Miracle” and a Miracle this Christmas

It's my favorite time of year , the time where we focus on giving to others, to adopting families, to buying gifts for our family friends, sharing food and decorating our Christmas trees, baking cookies. And endless Hallmark Holiday movies! I love everything about this Holiday , this year however, I have a wrinkle in my Holiday preparation days.Taking care of a cat with a cancer diagnosis. Some odd mass in the "mesentary", which is in the abdomen.  How could this have happened? My little girl, Bella, so sweet, so full of love. She and I lost her brother in [...]

By |2021-11-06T15:58:36+00:00December 9, 2019|Blog, Holidays, Inspiration, Pets|Comments Off on A Cat with Cancer, Hoping for my own “Mrs. Miracle” and a Miracle this Christmas

Bailey – My Lover, My Teacher, My Friend – Our Story

       I just found this blog post that I started in 2017 and I never finished it and now it calls to me. Bailey calls to me to write about our journey together.  It was a 13 year journey of  pure love, of frustrations, of multiple vet visits, remote phone conferences with vets in the US and Australia and many, many days of  just connecting with each other, of being still and loving each other.Bailey was a handsome boy, he loved and still loves me unconditionally. He greeted me at the door everyday. He snuggled me each morning as [...]

By |2021-11-06T15:59:14+00:00July 22, 2019|Blog, Pets|Comments Off on Bailey – My Lover, My Teacher, My Friend – Our Story
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