So, yes, I am a very healthy, active, fit woman who eats lots of salads, vegetables, lean meat and I work out 4-5 times a week.  Then, why the hell did I get the flu this year?

Good question and here are some of my answers…

I put too much on my plate, always.

I love life and want to experience it ALL!

I have a wide variety of interests and I am on a spiritual journey to find what I am truly
meant to do in this world.  I know I am here to make a difference, and to help others find
out how to make their lives better too!

I push myself in everything I do, whether its exercise, learning, projects at the office, writing (although that’s tough because some days I find myself staring at the page! )

My mind is constantly active with all that I ask of it.

I am a responsible, passionate person who has a huge heart so I give my all to the people I love in my life.

Its the coldest winter we have had here in almost 100 years!

My Mom was quite ill over the summer and I started a wonderful new adventure as a Host on AirBnB. I spent a lot of time between keeping my job responsiblities going, doing whatever I could for my Mom no matter what and trying to be a top notch Host.

My sister came home for the holidays at the invitation of myself and my Mom and stayed at
my place, shortly after one of my guests left.  It was a great idea that probably should have been
revised a bit as it didn’t go as well as planned.

My basement flooded before Christmas.

I continued my search and spiritual journey to find what I am truly meant to do with my life and
I continued to exercise as much as I possibly could.

Christmas shopping had to be done.

The New Year started and I had a house guest.

The temperatures outside were near -24 windchill.

The nights were dark and cold.

My body became tired and so did my mind.

The Flu bug decided that it was just what I needed to give myself a much needed rest and to force
me to step back and say “what the hell are you doing with this crazy life of yours?”

I bumped into some new blogs and websites while I carried around kleenex and rubbed Vicks
Vapor Rub under my nose and on my chest.

I drank an amazing amount of green and peppermint tea with apple cider vinegar and raw honey for antioxidents, cough and congestion.

I learned that Elderberry Syrup is a great remedy for the Flu and have gone through an entire bottle!
* It also has other amazing healing properties by the way!

* I took 500 mg of Vitamin C every hour along with drops of oil of oregano in water (hate the taste! ugh!)

A smile of gratitude to Katie, author of  the Wellness Mama Blog( , which is where I learned about this. 

This morning as I am feeling sooo much better but still a little bit stuffy, I picked up my tried and to “go to”
book by Louise Hay and here is what she says about Upper Respiratory Infections, the Flu and
               Too Much going on at once. Mental confusion, disorder. 
                Small hurts.

Her affirmation and response to this:  I allow my mind to relax and be at peace. Clarity and harmony are within and around me and All is Well.

I said to myself – “really? mmm..that couldn’t be me could it? ”  I laughed to myself and knew deep down, it’s time.  Time to regroup, take life a bit slower (is that possible for people like me?) and re-evaluate all that I put on my plate and focus on what is truly important to me this year.

A BIG THANK YOU TO LOUISE HAY, one of my favorite life’s teachers!
