Homeopathy for Cats, yes, you can use homeopathy for your cats, your dogs, your chickens and even your plants.
What is Homeopathy?
Well how do I use it you say and what “is it?” It’s not as complex as you think it is. It is actually quite easy to understand and use. If I learned it, so can you! After all, we are Pet Parents and we would go to the ends of the earth for our animals wouldn’t we? So, why not learn something new that benefits them and you?
Homeopathy is medicine. Yes, medicine, not supplements, not vitamins, it’s medicine. And it’s been around for over 200 years! Yes! 200 years! It’s origin was with a German physician named Samuel Hahnemann. It is the second most widely used medicine around the globe! First is Chinese medicine, then “drugs of commerce” other wise known as pharmacy drugs.Homeopathy uses diluted substances from natural plants, minerals, … to stimulate your bodies natural ability to heal. How is it made? it starts with a natural substance/material that is diluted many, many times and then shaken – which is called succussion. This process of shaking enhances the healing energy of the substance while at the same time eliminating any toxic effects of it.
In fact, the more diluted a remedy is, the more potent it’s effect. Hard to wrap your head around right? Well, it works, as I have used it now for my cats and myself for over 20 years!
I personally discovered homeopathy when my cat Bailey was diagnosed with an auto-immune issue and the conventional vet system wanted to put my cat through all sorts of tests and then put him on drugs. I told them “give me my cat, back, we are going elsewhere.” So, my search began for a Holistic vet.
And I found one and she was the person who introduced me to Homeopathy.
I have never looked back.
That was over 20 years ago. I have had the great pleasure to learn from her as well as other vets around the globe, such as Dr. Donald Hamilton, a group out of Australia, who’s site name is https://naturalpetbotanicals.com as well as many other human Homeopaths such as Joette Calabrese https://joettecalabrese.com/and Christina Villacorta.https://cristinavillacorta.com
Homeopathy works on the principal of “like cures like” – for example, onions, when you cut an onion, your eyes tear up, you sneeze sometimes.. what does that sound like? symptoms of a cold and flu too right? maybe allergies? Ah.. well when those symptoms appear during an illness, we turn to Allium Cepa. Yes, that is latin for “onion”..
or another example would be the remedy called Apis, which is derived from the honeybees sting, and guess what? it is used to reduce swelling and inflammation , like a bee sting! Nature is a beautiful thing! Isn’t it?!
Symptoms are our friends in homeopathy, we don’t look to suppress them, we want them to tell us a story.
A story to how we need to help the body. This works the same way on humans, pets , plants.
Okay, so let’s say your cat has a cold or upper respiratory thing going on – what remedy do you choose? Well, that depends on the symptoms. Colds and flu’s are tricky little buggers and they present differently for everyone, so what do we do, we look at the symptoms. There are many homeopathic remedies for colds and flu’s.
I will list some of the most common ones here: Aconitum and Bryonia is a common banerji protocal (more on that in another blog post) and often times when we start to feel run down or we feel like we are coming down with something, this is a great combination to start with. Well, how does that translate to my cat? Answer: same!
If your cats seems off, maybe, seems to be a bit sleepy, sneezy.. that is the first combo I turn to. I give it to my cats every two to three hours for the first day until I see what we might be dealing with. Then, I see what else is happening after that and I choose perhaps another remedy that would match the symptoms of what is presenting. We could move to a remedy called Arsenicum Album and/or Eupatorium, perhaps Gelsemium if there is fatigue along with aches and pains.
Homeopathy uses latin names, a beautiful language for sure. Once you become familiar with the common remedies used, this becomes second nature.
If I can learn this , so can you!
Personalized Help
That said, I am happy to help Pet Parents with the needs of their cats if they need help. I do provide one on one consulting assistance to help figure out what is happening with your cat. Simply send me an email at [email protected] and we can set up a time to talk. Understand that Homeopathy is my go-to when looking to solve health issues with animals. And yes, homeopathy can be used alongside conventional drugs of commerce. I am not a homeopath or a doctor, I am simply a Pet Parent who has had over 20 years experience healing my cats with homeopathy.
Here is to the best health for your fur babies and yourself!
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