
On Being Part of a Family and Honoring Spiritual Traditions

I typically don't write a piece so specific to my family, but I felt inspired to do so today.This Sunday was such a touching experience for me as I watched another one of my nephews children get baptized. Why was this one any different than the baptism of his other two children?Because my Father was there.You see my Father and his wife have taken such an active role in our family over the last few years since my Mother had a brush with death. I will never know what they discussed when she called them to her bedside, but whatever [...]

By |2015-10-20T16:32:00+00:00October 20, 2015|BAPTISM, Blessings, CHILD, family, FAMILY TRADITIONS, God, gratitude, peacefulness, spiritual traditions, Universe|Comments Off on On Being Part of a Family and Honoring Spiritual Traditions

One Year Ago, I met a Young Couple Through Airbnb

One Year Ago, a chinese man in his mid twenties sent me a reservation request in the middle of the night for him to come and stay that evening at my house.  I typically don't answer requests in the middle of the night while I am sleeping, but for some reason, the ping of my phone woke me up. He had no picture on his profile.Typically, I would be suspicious of this type of request and ask several more questions before I would even approve the stay. I asked him for a picture and he said he was boarding the [...]

By |2015-08-09T02:20:00+00:00August 9, 2015|AirBnB, Airbnb host, Blessings, heart so full, Love, MARRIAGE, Miracles, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, wedding|Comments Off on One Year Ago, I met a Young Couple Through Airbnb

Blessings in the Basement

Christmas week this year brought a surprise for many of us in the small town that I live in.  Lots of snow had fallen the week before and saturday night, the rains came. I lay in bed listening to it dance on the rooftop letting it lull me to sleep. I was gently woken out of bed at 1:15am, a messenger telling me to go to the basement and turn the fans off.  A bit of water had come into the basement from the day before and I had wanted to get it dry as soon as possible. And dry [...]

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