
The 31st Day of December, A Gift of Life

To most this symbolizes the last day of the year. To others in cultures different than ours, it can mean something totally different. It's all in the perception and how we look at things. I choose to look at today as a gift.A gift of Life.You see today is the day my parents gave birth to me.And I am so happy and grateful that I am healthy and here on this planet to celebrate this day with my friends and my family.The gift of Life.How precious and sweet.Cherish it.Don't waste it on regrets and anger.Be grateful for everything , even [...]

By |2021-11-06T16:49:47+00:00December 31, 2015|Blog, Holidays, Inspiration|Comments Off on The 31st Day of December, A Gift of Life

LOVE, The Way to Heal from Grief

It's been a few weeks since my Mother died. My heart still feels frozen, yet, there are times I can feel it thaw out just a bit. I am glad to have those moments and in my mind, I know that eventually I won't feel so much like someone threw a ton of bricks at me. I find it hard to get motivated to do the smallest things and I am grateful that life somehow forces us to move on.There is good that has come of her passing and I choose to focus my heart and mind on those things. [...]

By |2021-11-07T18:46:18+00:00December 29, 2015|Blog, Inspiration|Comments Off on LOVE, The Way to Heal from Grief

Words from my Mother

The first words on a page since my Mother's death. I fear that in this writing, I will cry tears that will never stop. I have been taken ill several days after her funeral. During these days I have forced myself to sit and watch Hallmark Christmas movies, because it is in those movies that I find solace. You see Christmas is my favorite time of year, as it was my Mothers. She was the one who gave me the love of the season and the gift of believing that Christmas was truly a magical time of year. These movies [...]

By |2021-11-06T16:13:07+00:00December 21, 2015|Blog, Inspiration|Comments Off on Words from my Mother

Operating from our Authentic Selves

What does that mean? What does it mean to operate from our authentic selves versus the ego?Well, I really didn't understand this either. I listened to Dr. Wayne Dyer explain this to me over and over again until I got it. I don't think I could have truly understood it until now.Why did I want to get it? What did it matter to me? It mattered to me because at this point in my life, I no longer want to operate from the swirling dervish of  "getting more money," "work harder," "achieve more." I want to be truly happy on [...]

By |2021-11-06T16:13:24+00:00December 5, 2015|Blog, Inspiration|Comments Off on Operating from our Authentic Selves

Thank You

Saying those two small words creates magic in your life. Those two small words, puts a smile on a strangers face, it makes your friend feel good when they do you a favor, it let’s your employees know that you appreciate them and most of all it tells God/the Universe that you are expressing gratitude for all the wonderfulness that has been bestowed upon you.Rhonda Byrne, author of The Secret wrote another book called The Magic.  The premise of the book is to bring Magic into your life by the expression of gratitude. There are 28 days of exercises to [...]

By |2021-11-07T18:50:07+00:00November 26, 2015|Blog, Inspiration|Comments Off on Thank You

From Ambition to Meaning

So many of us struggle with our lives to find what truly makes us happy. And as I listen to my favorite teacher this morning, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, he talks about moving from ambition to meaning.We strive and strive and work hard to achieve those materialistic things in our lives that society tells us we should want. But those "things" don't truly make us happy do they?Don't get me wrong, I love my home, my clothes closet, going to the salon.  However, when we sit in those quiet moments of our lives - we "know" what those things are [...]

By |2021-11-07T18:54:06+00:00November 24, 2015|Blog, Inspiration|Comments Off on From Ambition to Meaning

Out of Necessity comes Creativity

How many of you have experienced financial challenges in your life? How many of you want desperately to live your dreams?Well, I am here to tell you - it is POSSIBLE! It is!Are you experiencing more debt than money coming in? Great! Awesome! This is a great time to stop the panic (get one of those big red buttons that says STOP!) and find 10 good things about the situation and make an agreement with yourself - I will not panic about this until three days from now and within those three days, I am going to sit down and [...]

By |2021-11-07T20:00:39+00:00November 22, 2015|Blog, Food, Holidays, Inspiration|Comments Off on Out of Necessity comes Creativity

The World Focuses on Paris .. which thoughts will we choose? Fear or Love?

So my thoughts this morning continue to reflect around all that has gone on in Paris over the last few days.The media, facebook, people have so many opinions about what should be done and someone this morning posted this amazing clip of this little girl who really hit the nail on the head. We need to come from our hearts, not from a place of fear.  "If we live in a world where everyone is being mean, then everyone is going to be a monster in the future" "what if theres a little bit of persons  and we eat/beat them [...]

By |2021-11-06T16:14:08+00:00November 18, 2015|Blog, Inspiration|Comments Off on The World Focuses on Paris .. which thoughts will we choose? Fear or Love?

What Would I Love?

Have you ever asked yourself this question? How would you answer it? Would it be different depending on what was happening in your life this very minute instead of what would happen this afternoon? How would you answer it then?What Would I Love? I was watching a video from Mary Morrisey, one of my many teachers yesterday and she talked about this question. She, like Tony Robbins, talk about asking our selves the right questions in order to improve the quality of our lives.So many teachers tell us to "get clear" about what it is we want in our lives. [...]

By |2021-11-07T20:04:20+00:00November 17, 2015|Blog, Inspiration|Comments Off on What Would I Love?

I Write in my Pajamas – Is that Such a Bad Thing?

Goofy title for a blog yes? Well, as I was doing my morning writing and studying today, I was reading a passage from Elizabeth Gilbert's book called Big Magic. I have been referring to it in several of my blogs recently. It is truly inspiring to the creative spirit in all of us!The chapter I was reading this morning was titled : Tristam Shandy Chimes In.  I was curious about the title and read on.  In this very short chapter she talks about another writer who, when he felt blocked or like life was just in this "stuck" stage , [...]

By |2021-11-07T20:06:13+00:00November 11, 2015|Blog, Inspiration|Comments Off on I Write in my Pajamas – Is that Such a Bad Thing?
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