
Eosinophilic Granuloma in Cats healed without drugs

Eosinophilic Granuloma in cats healed without drugs?  Is it possible? Yes!  So many pet parents are searching for answers to heal this illness and so many turn to chemicals to do so. It saddens me to watch, however,  let me reassure you that you can uproot this and there are so many tools you can use to help your cat with Eosinophilic Granuloma. And those tools don't have to include putting your cat on steroids for the rest of their life. How do I know this? I know this because I lived it with my cat Bailey. How did it [...]

What Do I Know

                                                WHAT DO I KNOW?I had dinner with a very dear friend of mine last night. It was a beautiful summer evening, the sun shiningbrightly through the blinds of the restaurant window. Our conversations typically range from our work lives, to some philosophical subject of the universe, human behavior, the well being of our families and I always try and insert something fun and whimsical to make him laugh and smile. As I was brewing my morning [...]

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