Reflections of a Heart in Pain

My morning writing has me ponder thoughts and feelings I have for someone very dear to me. You see, I received a text from them yesterday as I was driving to my workout session with my trainer, that they were moving. And their new home would be thousands of miles away. My heart sank and the tears started streaming down my face. My contacts became blurry and I was supposed to walk into the gym ready for action. I wanted to run away as far as I could from the feeling of this pain and at the same time I wanted [...]

By |2015-10-16T15:31:00+00:00October 16, 2015|Big Magic, BROKEN HEART, COMFORT, Creative Living Beyond Fear, EAT PRAY LOVE, ELIZABETH GILBERT, HEALING A BROKEN HEART, lovers, pain|Comments Off on Reflections of a Heart in Pain

Saturday Night at Grace House

It's 12:45 am on a Saturday evening as I walk in the door of my home from a wonderful evening with friends. The house is quiet  but for the sound of the television. I gingerly walk through the dining room and into the living room.  One table lamp warmly lights the sunroom and the reflection of the TV shines on the serene faces of my sleeping guests on the couch.  Being out in the rain and cold weather had them yearning for warmth as they are snuggled beneath the plaid comforter. The temperature  in the house has dropped quite a [...]

By |2015-09-14T17:45:00+00:00September 14, 2015|AirBnB, BLACK CATS, COMFORT, Grace House Retreat, home, Love, Saturday Night Live, WARMTH|Comments Off on Saturday Night at Grace House

Julia Cameron’s , the Artist Way and Tim Ferris

This morning at around 5am, I forced myself out of bed because sleep was just not coming to me. I tossed and turned all night as grief filled my heart for a friend who has made a decision to return to his hometown in Europe. We have only known each other for a few short months, but he had made an impact on my life of which he is probably unaware of. The night sky was filled with lighting and thunderstorms, unsettled and needing expression. I knew how Mother Nature felt. And I knew what I needed to do to [...]

By |2015-07-19T11:28:00+00:00July 19, 2015|COMFORT, gratitude, grief, heartache, Joy, Julia Cameron, Mother Nature, PSALMS, RHONDA BYRNE, soul, THE ARTISTS WAY, The Four Hour Work Week, The Magic, The Morning Pages, The Secret, TIM FERRIS|Comments Off on Julia Cameron’s , the Artist Way and Tim Ferris
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