
Finally, Chocolate Walnut Balls!

So, I posted a comment on my facebook page on January 23rd about these delectable little delights and finally figured out how to post the picture of them on here for everyone!  The picture on facebook turned out much too small and you wouldn't see the glaze that covered the cookie, so I posted the pic here!The cookie is not an italian cookie and has no anise in it.  It is a family recipe handed down from my parents and is perfect paired with a cup of Espresso, or a glass of hearty red wine. Try some for breakfast! yes [...]

By |2014-01-30T23:00:00+00:00January 30, 2014|AirBnB, Chocolate, Chocolate cookie, Chocolate cookies, Chocolate Walnut Balls, Christmas cookie, cookie, cookies|Comments Off on Finally, Chocolate Walnut Balls!

Blessings in the Basement

Christmas week this year brought a surprise for many of us in the small town that I live in.  Lots of snow had fallen the week before and saturday night, the rains came. I lay in bed listening to it dance on the rooftop letting it lull me to sleep. I was gently woken out of bed at 1:15am, a messenger telling me to go to the basement and turn the fans off.  A bit of water had come into the basement from the day before and I had wanted to get it dry as soon as possible. And dry [...]

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