
Starting Over Again, My Journey Back to the Gym

Well, it's been almost six months since I last wrote a blog. Why? Because I have spent the last seven months of my life focusing on healing my body from so many things, it seemed like it was one thing after another!I am happy to say that I have started working with my trainer again after almost a year. It's a slow go for sure! It's only been three days with him and I could barely make it through the third workout. In fact, I sat in the parking lot at the food Coop and just started to cry. Everything [...]

By |2015-07-16T15:13:00+00:00July 16, 2015|Courage, deadlifts, endurance, gym, gymtime, Healing, healthy living, MOTIVATION, Squats, workout|Comments Off on Starting Over Again, My Journey Back to the Gym

Realms of Grace

My Dearest Readers,How have you been? Has your life been in a season of winter, fall, spring or summer?  What do I mean by that? Well, it is something I learned from a great teacher of mine Tony Robbins.  The seasons represent periods of our lives. As I reflect over the last few months of my life, I have to say it has felt like winter for sure, with overriding feelings of depression and sadness as my mother struggled for life in a hospital bed.   The roller coaster of emotions was amazingly intense, too intense actually. Nothing else mattered [...]

By |2013-09-15T19:17:00+00:00September 15, 2013|AirBnB, Autumn, Courage, Fall, friendship, God, God's grace, Grace, Mother, Spring, Summer, Tony Robbins, Winter|Comments Off on Realms of Grace

Believe in Yourself ! No Matter What!

There are days when we feel we cannot go on is on those days that we must keep walking.There are those days when we say to ourselves - "is this really all that there is?" is on those days we whisper to ourselves - "NO!..there is SO MUCH MORE"There are those days when you wish the Universe/God ..whatever you call the Higher Power would just send you some BIG SIGN to say.. "Here..SEE! I told you it would all be OK"There are those days when your dreams seem so close yet so far is on those days [...]

By |2011-07-26T12:34:00+00:00July 26, 2011|Courage|Comments Off on Believe in Yourself ! No Matter What!
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