What Do I Know

What Do I Know1.)  I know that there are "10" ways to get something accomplished. I find myself saying this all too often these days.  As I wind down my career in the Health Care Industry and enter into my full time creative life, I struggle with getting everything accomplished that I need to in a day.  So many demands coming from every area of my life, people trying to squeeze every last ounce out of me before I leave my corporate job and my creative life is bursting at the seams for me to pay attention to it!And so, [...]

By |2014-09-04T12:36:00+00:00September 4, 2014|Abraham Hicks, DETERMINATION, fear, gratitude, RPM, Tony Robbins|Comments Off on What Do I Know

Get Back up no Matter How Hard You Get Hit!

" Get Up You Son of Bitch! Because Mickey loves you!"I love these quotes from the Rocky movies!  It truly motivates me to get back up , no matter how hard I feel life is at the time. My days right now are full of a whole bunch of challenges but none of which I cannot overcome!I share this with you my blogging audience because I know you too struggle with life's challenges on occassion, but be "mindful" and it always starts in the mind! That you can overcome them!No matter what , you can overcome them!I would love it [...]

By |2014-08-21T12:20:00+00:00August 21, 2014|DETERMINATION, motivate, ROCKY BALBOA, will, WIN|Comments Off on Get Back up no Matter How Hard You Get Hit!
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