
On Being Part of a Family and Honoring Spiritual Traditions

I typically don't write a piece so specific to my family, but I felt inspired to do so today.This Sunday was such a touching experience for me as I watched another one of my nephews children get baptized. Why was this one any different than the baptism of his other two children?Because my Father was there.You see my Father and his wife have taken such an active role in our family over the last few years since my Mother had a brush with death. I will never know what they discussed when she called them to her bedside, but whatever [...]

By |2015-10-20T16:32:00+00:00October 20, 2015|BAPTISM, Blessings, CHILD, family, FAMILY TRADITIONS, God, gratitude, peacefulness, spiritual traditions, Universe|Comments Off on On Being Part of a Family and Honoring Spiritual Traditions

Asking For Help, Weakness or Strength?

This is an interesting question right? Especially for women. I cannot speak for men but I am certain that it applies to them as well.Recently I had a bout of food poisoning on a Sunday morning with a house full of guests to take care of.  It took me an hour to just muster up the strength to go downstairs to feed my cats! I had a blaring headache, and my body was clearly rejecting something as I ran to the bathroom so many times, I lost count.My body felt like it had been taken over by some evil gremlin! [...]

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