Asking For Help, Weakness or Strength?

This is an interesting question right? Especially for women. I cannot speak for men but I am certain that it applies to them as well.Recently I had a bout of food poisoning on a Sunday morning with a house full of guests to take care of.  It took me an hour to just muster up the strength to go downstairs to feed my cats! I had a blaring headache, and my body was clearly rejecting something as I ran to the bathroom so many times, I lost count.My body felt like it had been taken over by some evil gremlin! [...]

A New Life Begins and a Life Ends

Yesterday was an interesting day filled with so many emotions. As I pondered the day, looking out at the moonlight and hearing the rustling of the leaves on the trees, I wondered about the human experience here on this planet.I was taking a break from studying and writing in the morning and a dear friend called me. I saw her name come up on my phone and a smile broke out on my face. I answered immediately, so glad to hear her voice.However, the news she was to deliver made my heart so very sad. A friend and co-worker we [...]

By |2015-09-25T15:47:00+00:00September 25, 2015|adventuresome, BEST FRIENDS, co-workers, Courageous, darkness, endings, FRIENDS, frienship, HAPPY, Light, Love, NEW BEGINNINGS, SANDRA BULLOCK, soul, suicide|Comments Off on A New Life Begins and a Life Ends
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