
On Being Part of a Family and Honoring Spiritual Traditions

I typically don't write a piece so specific to my family, but I felt inspired to do so today.This Sunday was such a touching experience for me as I watched another one of my nephews children get baptized. Why was this one any different than the baptism of his other two children?Because my Father was there.You see my Father and his wife have taken such an active role in our family over the last few years since my Mother had a brush with death. I will never know what they discussed when she called them to her bedside, but whatever [...]

By |2015-10-20T16:32:00+00:00October 20, 2015|BAPTISM, Blessings, CHILD, family, FAMILY TRADITIONS, God, gratitude, peacefulness, spiritual traditions, Universe|Comments Off on On Being Part of a Family and Honoring Spiritual Traditions

Julia Cameron’s , the Artist Way and Tim Ferris

This morning at around 5am, I forced myself out of bed because sleep was just not coming to me. I tossed and turned all night as grief filled my heart for a friend who has made a decision to return to his hometown in Europe. We have only known each other for a few short months, but he had made an impact on my life of which he is probably unaware of. The night sky was filled with lighting and thunderstorms, unsettled and needing expression. I knew how Mother Nature felt. And I knew what I needed to do to [...]

By |2015-07-19T11:28:00+00:00July 19, 2015|COMFORT, gratitude, grief, heartache, Joy, Julia Cameron, Mother Nature, PSALMS, RHONDA BYRNE, soul, THE ARTISTS WAY, The Four Hour Work Week, The Magic, The Morning Pages, The Secret, TIM FERRIS|Comments Off on Julia Cameron’s , the Artist Way and Tim Ferris

What Do I Know

What Do I Know1.)  I know that there are "10" ways to get something accomplished. I find myself saying this all too often these days.  As I wind down my career in the Health Care Industry and enter into my full time creative life, I struggle with getting everything accomplished that I need to in a day.  So many demands coming from every area of my life, people trying to squeeze every last ounce out of me before I leave my corporate job and my creative life is bursting at the seams for me to pay attention to it!And so, [...]

By |2014-09-04T12:36:00+00:00September 4, 2014|Abraham Hicks, DETERMINATION, fear, gratitude, RPM, Tony Robbins|Comments Off on What Do I Know

Blessings in the Basement

Christmas week this year brought a surprise for many of us in the small town that I live in.  Lots of snow had fallen the week before and saturday night, the rains came. I lay in bed listening to it dance on the rooftop letting it lull me to sleep. I was gently woken out of bed at 1:15am, a messenger telling me to go to the basement and turn the fans off.  A bit of water had come into the basement from the day before and I had wanted to get it dry as soon as possible. And dry [...]

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