inner knowing

The Secret Garden within All of Us

One of my spiritual mentors died recently. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer was not only someone I looked up to because his books have taught me so much, but his life was an example of what he wrote and spoke about.In his recent book, I Can See Clearly Now, he talks about his fascination with the book The Secret Garden, written by Francis Hodgson Burnett when he was a young boy in school.I was surprised to learn this as I listened to the audio book, days after he died. You see this has always been one of my favorite books too! [...]

Trust that the New Year will Unfold…

And so a New Year begins today. This day, January 1, 2014. What will it hold for you personally? for your friends and family? for our Global Community? for our Mother Earth?I know what I am destined to do this year and what life holds for some things this year but not everything. As that is up to the Universe to show us.So many of our traditional ways ask us to create goals, resolutions and plans.  I believe that all of those hold value for us, however, what I have learned over time is to mix those with the allowance [...]

By |2014-01-01T21:42:00+00:00January 1, 2014|2014, Amaryllis, global community, goals, Happy New Year, inner knowing, Joy, knowing, Mother Earth, plans, sunshine, unfolding|Comments Off on Trust that the New Year will Unfold…
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