
Homeopathy, the medicine my Cat taught me. The next part of the story.

So Bailey and I ventured out to the country.  He really is a good boy in the car, not too much crying.  His crate sits in the passenger seat, front facing me so I can talk with him and see his eyes.  I know people think its crazy to talk to animals but they do understand the vibration and tone of our voices.  Cats are magical beings. They sense and feel things that are unseen.We arrived at Dr. Koenigs office and there they were  Those statuesque, large animals that are so graceful as they run the beaches, roam the countryside [...]

By |2012-07-27T02:40:00+00:00July 27, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Homeopathy, the medicine my Cat taught me. The next part of the story.

Homeopathy, the medicine my Cat taught me.

My cat Bailey was sent home to teach me about Homeopathy and with that came the lessons of patience, persistance and never ending love.  It was October 2006 and a crisp, fall day.  I had several pies in the works, apple and pumpkin and right in the middle of my pie baking session I decided I was going to bring the a new cat home.  I had hemmed and hawed about this decision over the last few weeks after seeing the cat at PetSmart.  I already had two cats who were about 5 years apart in age and I really felt that the younger [...]

By |2012-07-17T03:50:00+00:00July 17, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Homeopathy, the medicine my Cat taught me.

Taking a Step Back from Life

On Sunday, I drove out to my mom's house for a family gathering.  My brother and his wife are in town and my mom wanted us to see her newly renovated bathroom and mudroom. It had been quite a long time since we were all at my mothers house.  She lives about an hour away from my house in Sardinia, NY where the trees are all around you and the grass is such a lush green and goes on for miles and miles. My week had been full to the brim with working, training at the gym, and a total [...]

By |2012-07-04T17:54:00+00:00July 4, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Taking a Step Back from Life

Lessons Learned from Marquerite

My heart is warmed when I think of my friend Marquerite. Unfortunately she passed away almost two years ago now. I believe she died before she hit 100 years of age.  I wish I would have been able to see her beforehand.  Thankfully, I am left with the fond memories we created together and the teachings she left me.  I could probably fill a few chapters with what Marg taught me, but there is plenty of time to share those things perhaps in another book or wherever it is meant to be.I guess one of the most profound lessons that [...]

By |2012-06-21T00:00:00+00:00June 21, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Lessons Learned from Marquerite

Health and Healing, Lessons Learned from Friends and Animals

I began writing this blog last saturday.  I took the time to contemplate it's content, which is why I have waited a week to post. It is my hope that someone will learn something new and start their own journey to a healthier lifestyle. Saturday, June 9, 2012Good morning my readers,It is a cold and rainy spring, Saturday morning.  It definitely evokes a writer to put pen to paper.  My home office overlooks the beautiful, majestic and old maple trees that line my street.  They are in full bloom right now and I so enjoy their luscious green color.  As [...]

By |2012-06-17T13:50:00+00:00June 17, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Health and Healing, Lessons Learned from Friends and Animals

Rainbow Hugs

So, I was driving home this evening after a lovely warm, family and friend filled birthday party for my good friends daughter.  It had been raining and cloudy all day. The feeling in the air was more fall like than spring.  As I was driving, I was thinking to myself how much I wished I had a special someone to share my life with and how nice it would be to snuggle under the covers with them on this damp and chilly evening. My heart felt a bit saddened.  I seldom feel lonely, but for whatever reason, tonight was one [...]

By |2012-06-04T01:56:00+00:00June 4, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Rainbow Hugs

Be Happy! Dance!

Love your Life! Everyday in everyway.  No matter what the circumstance, find something to be happy about today.  There are so many things in life to celebrate and be joyful about.  Life is fragile and can be over in seconds.Live your life to the fullest, every minute of every hour.  Cherish that chance meeting with friends you haven't seen in years, the sun that comes up everyday without any work on our part, the birds that sing, our animals that love us unconditionally, our family who loves us despite our shortcomings.Over the last few weeks there has been so much [...]

By |2012-05-31T12:21:00+00:00May 31, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Be Happy! Dance!

Exercise, a power packed word!

Exercise.  An eight letter word that is packed with such amazing benefits!  Why do we resist it so much when it feels so good? In my life, exercise has been my friend.  It has helped my broken heart to heal on many occassions. It has given me motivation. When I discovered I could actually see my body changing and those muscles in those arms, I knew I could do anything if I set my mind to it!It has given me the courage to continue on. It has made me stronger.  Stronger physically and stronger mentally.  It has made me hopeful.  Hopeful that [...]

By |2012-05-30T11:57:00+00:00May 30, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Exercise, a power packed word!

Women, our beautiful selves

I popped into the grocery store today after a rigourous workout on the bike, clocking 9 miles and a high resistance level.  I was very proud that I made the gym a priority on a beautiful 90 degree day in Buffalo, NY.  My legs were throbbing and for the very first time, I dared to wear those yoga, type, boy shorts.  I thought to myself, do I dare go into the grocery store looking like this?  I had a workout jacket in the car, so I thought why not.  I was proud of my very toned and muscular legs that [...]

By |2012-05-21T02:51:00+00:00May 21, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Women, our beautiful selves

Clean Eating and Sage advice from Holland, NY

Spring is in the air and summer will soon be upon us.  That means all the wonderful fresh fruits and vegetables will be available at the grocery stores and local farmers markets. I always look forward to visiting the markets with all the delectable smells and the variety of color, the fresh flowers that the growers bring with them.  Perhaps one of my most favorite parts about the local markets are the growers themselves. I love to spend the time to chat with them and get to know their unique ways of farming and get to know them as people.  [...]

By |2012-05-19T02:05:00+00:00May 19, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Clean Eating and Sage advice from Holland, NY
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