Kimberley Barker

About Kimberley Barker

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So far Kimberley Barker has created 223 blog entries.

Let this be our Prayer today

 Let this be our Prayer today...God, unite our country once again as we did that horrible day in our nation's history, 19 years ago today.As we all stood watching , all of us, no matter what we look like - we stood and watched. We all know where we were, where our loved ones were. We all , all of us stood watching , not just that morning, but throughout the day as men and women , policemen, firemen, clergy,  the average person wanting to help- fought the flames to save their fellow man.  We didn't care about politics, race, it didn't [...]

By |2021-11-06T15:52:42+00:00September 11, 2020|Blog, Inspiration|Comments Off on Let this be our Prayer today

Just Show Up for Your Friends and Family

Today's blog post speaks deep into my heart. A very dear and close friend has died. I am somewhat speechless yet feel compelled to write this. Perhaps in dedication to him, to his family, to all of us on this planet who hold friends and family deep in our hearts.This friend , who name was David. No last name needs to be mentioned. He was a kind man who was very successful in life. Yes, in terms of wealth, but perhaps more importantly in terms of his success in raising wonderful children and being a loyal and dedicated friend, a [...]

By |2021-11-06T15:54:03+00:00February 3, 2020|Blog, Inspiration|Comments Off on Just Show Up for Your Friends and Family

Christmas 2019 from Hospice Care to Toddler Care

Christmas Tree 2019    This Christmas has been an interesting one. I found myself being a Hospice nurse to my sweet, beautiful cat Bella until the day she passed away on December 13th and then a new mom, to the cutest little baby boy, who I named Nicholas for St. Nick , a week afterwards. I had thought this year would be filled with days of cookie baking, my best year decorating yet and wrapping all the gifts with pretty ribbons and bows, handmade with each family member and friend in mind .It didn't quite go as I had planned and I really [...]

By |2021-11-06T15:56:01+00:00January 1, 2020|Blog, Holidays, Inspiration, Pets|Comments Off on Christmas 2019 from Hospice Care to Toddler Care

A Cat with Cancer, Hoping for my own “Mrs. Miracle” and a Miracle this Christmas

It's my favorite time of year , the time where we focus on giving to others, to adopting families, to buying gifts for our family friends, sharing food and decorating our Christmas trees, baking cookies. And endless Hallmark Holiday movies! I love everything about this Holiday , this year however, I have a wrinkle in my Holiday preparation days.Taking care of a cat with a cancer diagnosis. Some odd mass in the "mesentary", which is in the abdomen.  How could this have happened? My little girl, Bella, so sweet, so full of love. She and I lost her brother in [...]

By |2021-11-06T15:58:36+00:00December 9, 2019|Blog, Holidays, Inspiration, Pets|Comments Off on A Cat with Cancer, Hoping for my own “Mrs. Miracle” and a Miracle this Christmas

Bailey – My Lover, My Teacher, My Friend – Our Story

       I just found this blog post that I started in 2017 and I never finished it and now it calls to me. Bailey calls to me to write about our journey together.  It was a 13 year journey of  pure love, of frustrations, of multiple vet visits, remote phone conferences with vets in the US and Australia and many, many days of  just connecting with each other, of being still and loving each other.Bailey was a handsome boy, he loved and still loves me unconditionally. He greeted me at the door everyday. He snuggled me each morning as [...]

By |2021-11-06T15:59:14+00:00July 22, 2019|Blog, Pets|Comments Off on Bailey – My Lover, My Teacher, My Friend – Our Story

There is No Tomorrow

It's Monday morning and I am proud to say that I am starting my second week of 5:45 am workouts! No, it isn't easy . It's dark outside and the weather isn't friendly. But, I am using my pent up energy and emotions to drive myself to do something positive. When I feel this way, workouts always fuel me back to center. I am determined to get my fitness life back on track and heal a wounded heart. So many of my life's dreams have been on hold for one reason or another. But no more. The rocky movies always [...]

By |2021-11-06T15:59:47+00:00April 16, 2018|Blog, Inspiration|Comments Off on There is No Tomorrow

Believe in Yourself, Listen to Your Own Truth

 These words came to mind this morning as I sat quietly preparing for my day.I have had a few sleepless nights and very early 5:45 am work outs.My body is tired and my heart is trying to heal..Yet, I listen to that still small voice inside of me that says..Believe in Yourself, Listen to Your Own Truth, ..not anyone elses..So many times in life we are presented bumps in the road that come unexpectedly..We doubt, we question, we get angry and we hurt..The tears come... for so many reasons..Disappointment , loss, dreams not yet realized..The tears dry at least for [...]

By |2021-11-06T16:01:03+00:00April 12, 2018|Blog, Inspiration|Comments Off on Believe in Yourself, Listen to Your Own Truth

A letter to my Mother on Mother’s Day

Today is Mother's Day. Over the last few weeks, as I strolled through boutiques during my trip to Virginia, I stumbled upon Mothers day gifts and cards. I let my hand touch them, feel them, stopping  for only a few  seconds to think of you. I didn't dwell long as I knew the tears would come, like they are now. During this trip, I looked out my brothers kitchen window each morning and saw the many cardinals that flew in to feast on the bird seed my sister-in-law put out for them. And I thought of you.Emily Dickenson note cards spoke [...]

By |2021-11-06T16:01:38+00:00May 14, 2017|Blog, Holidays, Inspiration|Comments Off on A letter to my Mother on Mother’s Day

Authentic Happiness

 I reunited with a favorite book of mine this morning, Simple Abundance by Sara Ban Breathnach - a find from a friend long ago. It is a book of daily musings and inspirations . This book has been my companion for so many years giving me comfort and thoughts to ponder on my life's journey. In fact, this book has meant so much to me that I have given it as gifts to friends on so many special occasions.I flipped to a random page that happened to be in July. The subject was living a life of dreaming or expectations, [...]

By |2021-11-06T16:02:12+00:00March 21, 2017|Blog, Inspiration|Comments Off on Authentic Happiness

A Friends Visit at 3am

I have been so touched by this since the day it happened that I truly needed to share it. You probably think that this would be a story of a friend who knocked on my door unexpectedly out of the clear blue.But no , that isn't what happened.A long lost lover ?No.Instead this is a story about true friendship, love , caring.Last weekend I came down with THE WORST stomach flu that I can remember. It came out of nowhere after having a wonderful evening with a dear friend of mine downtown.I literally threw up almost every hour starting at [...]

By |2021-11-06T16:25:54+00:00March 10, 2017|Blog, Inspiration|Comments Off on A Friends Visit at 3am
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