
Inspiration – “InSpirit”

Wayne Dyer continues to fill my morning writings and my thoughts as I walk through these days looking for motivation and support to continue on my life's purpose. I need him to see me through this. My books call to me - publish me. Write me.  Answer my calling. Share yourself with the world.My cat Bailey sits all cozy on my red bathroom on the chair next to me keeping me company and watching me type. He is content and happy watching the letters appear on the page. The house is quiet as I write. I listen with attentive ears [...]

A New Life Begins and a Life Ends

Yesterday was an interesting day filled with so many emotions. As I pondered the day, looking out at the moonlight and hearing the rustling of the leaves on the trees, I wondered about the human experience here on this planet.I was taking a break from studying and writing in the morning and a dear friend called me. I saw her name come up on my phone and a smile broke out on my face. I answered immediately, so glad to hear her voice.However, the news she was to deliver made my heart so very sad. A friend and co-worker we [...]

By |2015-09-25T15:47:00+00:00September 25, 2015|adventuresome, BEST FRIENDS, co-workers, Courageous, darkness, endings, FRIENDS, frienship, HAPPY, Light, Love, NEW BEGINNINGS, SANDRA BULLOCK, soul, suicide|Comments Off on A New Life Begins and a Life Ends
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