
Inspiration – “InSpirit”

Wayne Dyer continues to fill my morning writings and my thoughts as I walk through these days looking for motivation and support to continue on my life's purpose. I need him to see me through this. My books call to me - publish me. Write me.  Answer my calling. Share yourself with the world.My cat Bailey sits all cozy on my red bathroom on the chair next to me keeping me company and watching me type. He is content and happy watching the letters appear on the page. The house is quiet as I write. I listen with attentive ears [...]

Julia Cameron’s , the Artist Way and Tim Ferris

This morning at around 5am, I forced myself out of bed because sleep was just not coming to me. I tossed and turned all night as grief filled my heart for a friend who has made a decision to return to his hometown in Europe. We have only known each other for a few short months, but he had made an impact on my life of which he is probably unaware of. The night sky was filled with lighting and thunderstorms, unsettled and needing expression. I knew how Mother Nature felt. And I knew what I needed to do to [...]

By |2015-07-19T11:28:00+00:00July 19, 2015|COMFORT, gratitude, grief, heartache, Joy, Julia Cameron, Mother Nature, PSALMS, RHONDA BYRNE, soul, THE ARTISTS WAY, The Four Hour Work Week, The Magic, The Morning Pages, The Secret, TIM FERRIS|Comments Off on Julia Cameron’s , the Artist Way and Tim Ferris
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