If you have never been to Anzalone Electric/Lighting in Lockport, New York, you must make a trip to their showroom!  Why? because they have The Best lighting selection within the Western New York area.  And the owner, Linda Anzalone, is one of the nicest people I have ever met!  Linda has her customers interest at heart – ALWAYS!  Linda will work with you no matter if it takes 15 minutes, a few hours or several days to make the right decision for your house and your space.  She is patient, kind and always manages to suggest just the right lighting for your space, even if you would have never chosen the lights she shows you.  In the end, she is usually right!

Three years ago, I had an unfortunate circumstance happen whereby I had a housefire and needed to renovate almost my entire house.  As I searched and searched for the right lighting for my “new” house, I was coming up empty.  One day a friend of mine suggested I try Anazlone lighting in Lockport, NY.  I said “who?”

My friend took me out to their showroom and I was overwhelmed to say the least! There are lights everywhere! Hanging from any space they could find! Lol!  I left that day saying, that is just too overwhelming, I can’t buy lights from there!

Well, two weeks later I was back buying almost $10,000 in lights for every room in my newly renovated home.  Linda Anzalone came to my house and spent countless hours in her store with me, pouring over lighting books. She knew I wouldn’t be happy until I saw “them”.  “Them” being the exact lighting that resonated with me. 

I know what your saying to yourself.. Kimberley..”its lighting”.. but oh..lighting plays such an important role in the design of a space.  It can create a space that says -come sit here and read a book with  me or it can create a space that says ” have a family dinner” here..or it can so ..oh..too harsh.. tone it down! hahahaha…

So, when you are looking to renovate your family room, bedroom, kitchen..don’t under estimate the role lighting plays in the overall design.  Its just as key as flooring, countertops and furniture.

Visit Anzalone Lighting and discover the endless possibilities that await your room!
                 6208 Shimer Drive, Lockport NY 14094     (716) 433-4973
Oh and tell Linda that I sent you! Lol!

With love and lighting,
