The price we pay for authenticity may seem high, but who among us can truly afford to continue living as a spendthrift of the self?
                      Sarah Ban Breathnach

I recently read this in a meditation book called Simple Abundance, A Daybook of Comfort and Joy.  It was a book I purchased many years ago and I continue to read it over and over again. Its words of wisdom are timeless and I never tire of it.  There is always some gemstone I glean each time I read a passage.

As I pondered these words, I asked myself the question, what price have I paid to be my authentic self?  Mmmm… well.. here is a sampling of how I have paid to be true to myself

                    I dared to delve a whole lot of money into renovating my home after a house fire.  In retrospect perhaps too much, but I love every minute I spend in my home and it is truly the warm and comfortable place in which my family and friends love to come to.  I am still paying for that decision but it is one I will never regret!

                    I turned down a job after a year and a half of unemployment, nearly losing my home, because I knew I was meant to be a writer and the job would have required all my mental energy.

                    I have spent a lot of vacation time, many days with very little sleep and a whole lot of money birthing my novel into a published work.  I am not quite there yet – but I will stay the course.  I am meant to share my book with the world.

                  In the last year and a half,  I have spent five days a week working out at a gym with a trainer. Yes, this is money I could probably have saved. However, my goal to be as healthy and fit as I possibly can be is more important to me. My goal was to go from a size 10 to a size 6 and I am happy to tell you that I have exceeded that target and I am now a strong, size 4!  Although some days, I am sore and very tired – I stay the course because I know my health is worth it!
 What are the prices you pay to be true to yourself?

I would love to hear them! Please share them with me by sending me your comments.
