Ever since I can remember my family watches the Macys Day Parade on this day.  It has been a tradition since I was a little girl and I am so happy that my nieces and nephews cherish that holiday event as well. 

When I was a little girl, I remember my parents turning it on and letting us eat our bowl of cereal in the living room watching the parade while they prepared the turkey.

The smells of pies and stuffing were still lingering in the house from the night before and now the smell of turkey would join them.  We would have a large group for dinner, so big in fact that my mom had to set a larger table in the living room so that we could all sit together!

I can still recollect the one Thanksgiving where my grandmothers boyfriend sampled every piece of the 19 pies my mom had made! We were amazed! How did he do that?

The parade lasted for several hours and by that time my parents were done in the kitchen and we were all told to get dressed and help set the table. 

Someday, I hope to attend the parade in person.  I have wanted to see it ever since I can remember.  And when I do go, I will carry those fond memories with me that my mother and father created.