Yes Virgina, there is a Santa Claus.  Believing.  Do you believe in Santa? in Christmas Miracles?

I have always loved the Christmas season – it fills my heart with joy.  I even got married in December, many years ago. My husband was my christmas miracle that year.  I had waited a long time for him.  He was and still is a good man.  We are no longer married to each other, but it is still something that I believed with all my heart would happen someday and it did.  God answers our prayers in ways we can’t even fathom sometimes.

As a young girl, I believed in Santa and  I still do today as an adult.  But in adulthood, he is a different kind of Santa.  He doesn’t wear a red suit and beard, it is his spirit that moves the miracles to come true.  But, only if we still Believe.

The Hallmark Channel has been running Christmas specials for a few weeks now.  I love watching them.  In one of the specials, a little girl says to someone (I cannot remember who right now) –    “Believing is seeing. “

 I have pondered this since the day I watched it.

I myself have prayed for a few miracles to occur in my life this Christmas.  Two have actually occured today! Magical. I wonder what will happen from now until December 25th?