Where does it come from?  Its comes as a whisper, a flower seen in the most unusual of places, a smile from a stranger, a picture in a magazine ,an incredible meal you just ate at a newly discovered, out of the way restaurant or the sound of a rainstorm beating against the rooftop.

These daily occurrences invoke the artist within us.  The painter, the chef, the writer, the composer/musician.

When the inspiration comes its much like the German and Swiss painter, Paul Klee states here:

                     Everything vanishes around me, and works are born as if out of the void.
                        Ripe, graphic fruits fall off.  My hand has becme the obedient instrument
                         of remote will.

I am blessed to have several friends in my life who inspire me with their creative talents – my friend David in Boston (www.studiotwentysix.com) , who is an amazing musician, architect and he even draws;  a recent acquaintence, Nathan Lyons, who is a chef and has just released his first cookbook Great Food Starts Fresh (check it out at www.chefnathanlyon.com) ;  my friends Jimmy and Dan who own The Cheesecake Place on Sheridan Drive in Amherst, NY – check it out! they make THE BEST cheesecake in town! and if you need a wedding cake – you must look at what they offer!  and my friend Erica Eichelkraut who owns City Lights Studio (http://city-lights-studio.com/).  Her photographic talents are exceptional and she is the woman who helped me get my internet life off the ground by designing my website,facebook and twitter pages.

I encourage all of you to check out their work!  Perhaps they will inspire you to get out the sketch pad, the cutting board, the digital camera and find those things in life that excite you!
