So, I was sitting with a friend for lunch this past weekend and he loves to harrass me about blogging.  He asks me constantly, “what is the point of that anyway?”  “Is it just for people to ramble off their random thoughts?”  I laughed at him as he challenged me to write about coffee.  I thought to myself ok!  Coffee is one of my favorite things in life, why not!

So, this blog is dedicated to you my friend Joe. 

Coffee.  What does it represent to all of us?  To me, it represents a warm, comforting feeling that is my companion as I write my Morning Pages (three free hand pages each morning).  It is the glue that ties friends together as they share their ups and downs of life, even for a brief hour of their busy lives. 

Coffee is the juice that gets you going when your sick children have had you up all night and you have to get to work in the morning.  Coffee, along with Exedrin is a great cure for pounding headaches.

Coffee is that nice, hot drink that sits beside that plate of cinnamon french toast and scrambled eggs.  Its so hot, you can see the heat wafting in the air. 

Coffee is Starbucks, McDonalds, Tim Hortons and Maxwell House – all depending on your taste.  Coffee is a Lattee,  Skinny Mocha, Espresso or just a plain cup of black Maxwell House.

Coffee is a something that warms your insides as you come off of the slopes or a long, hike through the woods as the snow crunches underneath your feet.

What does Coffee represent to you?  Share your thoughts with me -it’s fun!
