I pulled out of the driveway on my way to the office yesterday morning and what did I see? …

But the snowdrops peeking out of the ground!!!  I was sooooo excited, the first flowers of spring! That makes my heart sing!  I love the springtime!  It is such a time of hope and promise and a time for life to start anew!  The thaw of the ground brings to us the promise of daffodils and hyacinth and the yellows and pinks of the stately tulips!

Spring… a time for us to come out of our winter hybernation and stretch our arms and legs and wake up to the endless possibilities that life holds for us!

The garden and seed catalogs are arriving as did my Pottery Barn spring catalog!  Such a delight to sit down in my cozy overstuffed white chairs, look out the window at the barren trees, with the catalogs on my lap and dream of the beauty of this special time of awakening sipping my cup of coffee.

Love and Light to you my friends,
