I am really looking forward to the Mercedes-Benz of Buffalo Fashion Week this year because it will be held at the new Statler City, one of the most beautiful, historic hotels in our city. Over the years, I would drive by the signs over Chippewa that would announce the upcoming event and would say to myself, I want to be involved in this event. Fashion and Beauty have been a passion of mine since I was a teenager, when I would buy every fashion magazine I could get my hands on.

And so, now in my forties, I have come full circle and pursued some of my life long dreams, one of which is to be involved in the modeling and fashion world.  Years ago was an avid fan of TLC’s show, What Not to Wear, starring Stacy London and Clinton Kelly. Every friday night, I would sit in front of the television soaking up every bit of knowledge I could from them.  One day, I even sent them a message on TLC’s website asking if I could intern with them. I never heard back from TLC but years later, I would have my opportunity to meet and learn from Stacy, live and in-person on an august weekend in New York City.

It was a dream come true.  Stacy was starting her own network of stylists called Style for Hire and she was holding classes in New York three weeks after I had accidentally bumped into the information on the internet.  So, I confidently submitted my resume for review to be selected as a student.  I just knew this was meant to be.

Not two days later, I was booking my hotel and flight reservations. I was off to New York City to be a student of fashion, a dream I wanted so badly as an eighteen year old girl, was now coming to fruition at forty-seven.

It would be a full weekend of class time in the heart of New York. I was so excited!

I arrived a bit scared as to what I would walk into but I discovered a world that was so unique and different from the one I lived everyday.  There were stylists there mostly from New York City, some from Boston and another from Denver.  And I got to meet Stacy in person and discovered that we had a lot in common.

I was surrounded by the New York City vibe and lived for a weekend in a world I had longed to be a part of as a young girl.

Prior to attending the workshop, I had sent a proposal to Stacy’s team asking them to bring Style for Hire to Buffalo.  They weren’t quite ready to do that as they were focusing on a few major cities at first. 

So, I decided to bring what I had learned back to my beloved city and share it with everyone. I came back from New York and started my own Wardrobe Styling and Life Coaching Business. I love to help people become all they can be and transform their lives into something they never dreamt possible.

If there are a few tidbits of wisdom that I had already known and some that I learned from Stacy, it would be these:

 Style is unique to oneself.  It is an expression of who we are.  Style is wearing what showcases our best assets and helps to balance out those areas we wish plastic surgery would assist with!  Style is wearing your confidence from the inside out! Style is about feeling good about yourself as you choose the clothing that is right for your body type, not someone’s in a magazine.  Style is about colors that suit your skin color.  Fashion is the latest trend on the runway and the newest looks from Marc Jacobs and Calvin Klein.

And lastly….
               Style is about wearing You.

In just a few short weeks I will be at the Mercedes-Benz of BuffaloFashion Week 2012, on September 25 at the Boutique Show.  It is there that I will help people discover their very best selves through both style and fashion.  I would love for you to join me!  Please go to their facebook page for all the delicious details: http://www.facebook.com/BuffaloFashionWeek

With fun, color and lots’s of Passion,                                                 Mercedes-Benz of Buffalo Fashion Week - Buffalo, NY