Wayne Dyer has been a spiritual mentor of mine for quite some time now.  I have mentioned him in other blogs in the past and today he is on my mind yet again.  I have been listening to several of his You Tube videos on creating Real Magic in every day life. They have taken me to that more spiritual place that I have needed to access over the last several weeks.

He talks about living your life “On Purpose.”  It’s been an interesting concept to ponder.  As I contemplate the future of my life coaching business and writings, I change my thoughts to “how can I serve.” versus I have to get to this point financially, I have to get this other point physically, I have to, I have to , I have to.  Instead, Wayne Dyer has taught me to think about how can I continue to serve and act as if you I am already where I want to be.

Create the new person that you want to be. Live your life “on purpose.” Is your purpose in life to raise your three children? Start a new business? Record a song?

Celebrate this beautiful sunday and make a committment to yourself to live your life “on purpose.”

With color, love and Passion!
