Image result for There is no tomorrow

It’s Monday morning and I am proud to say that I am starting my second week of 5:45 am workouts!

No, it isn’t easy . It’s dark outside and the weather isn’t friendly.

But, I am using my pent up energy and emotions to drive myself to do something positive.

When I feel this way, workouts always fuel me back to center.

I am determined to get my fitness life back on track and heal a wounded heart.

So many of my life’s dreams have been on hold for one reason or another.

But no more.

The rocky movies always have inspired me and I continue to use them as fuel even today.

One of the scenes with Apollo Creed has Rocky tiring and not giving his all.

Apollo asks him “what’s the matter with you?” , and Rocky replies “tomorrow”.

Apollo yells at him and says “There is No Tomorrow!?”

Well, I can so relate to Rocky . We all feel like giving up sometimes.

We have procrastinated our dreams because we are afraid.

We come up with all kinds of excuses why things are the way they are.

We allow our lives to get in the way.

We grieve over the loss of those we have held so dear and those who have walked out of our lives for reasons unknown.

We stay stuck in the same ruts we have created for years.

But, the great thing is we have choices and we must stand up for ourselves , pull up our bootstraps and say to ourselves “There is No Tomorrow” – we must fulfill our dreams and our hearts desires, despite what life throws us.

Here is to a great Monday Morning and Going After your Dreams!
