The Holy Mystery of Christmas is a phrase I read in one of my favorite books, Simple Abundance by Sara Ban Breathnach. When she spoke of Christmas in this way, it totally resonated with me. Because you see, it truly is a mystery to me.  Christmas and the birth of Christ is a sacred time when many of us around the world, stop to celebrate the birth of a child that had such a huge impact to our world centuries ago and yet, the impact is still felt today.

What is the Holy Mystery of Christmas for you? The answer for me, is a time to honor the sacred. A time to give and not necessarily physical gifts, give of yourself, your love, your time. It’s a time to reflect on a little baby who gave so much to our world. It isn’t about religion or gifts, it’s about the Spirit of LOVE. Give a stranger a smile, help someone with the door when a mother is trying to carry her baby, a stroller and packages, bake cookies for those who are shut-in, pay for someone’s coffee. Give whatever you can. It doesn’t have to be wrapped in a pretty package.

Today, there are so many people in our world who have suffered loss of some type or another, let us all pray that they receive the Holy Mystery of Christmas today , in some way.

I encourage all of us to open our hearts to the LOVE this season brings and spread it all the year through.


Share with me in the comments below, what this Holy Mystery of Christmas means to you, I would love to know.




Photo by Ben White on Unsplash