Eosinophilic Granuloma in cats healed without drugs?  Is it possible? Yes!  So many pet parents are searching for answers to heal this illness and so many turn to chemicals to do so. It saddens me to watch, however,  let me reassure you that you can uproot this and there are so many tools you can use to help your cat with Eosinophilic Granuloma. And those tools don’t have to include putting your cat on steroids for the rest of their life. How do I know this?

I know this because I lived it with my cat Bailey.

How did it show up for him?

His paws turned red and he was really chewing them! I thought he burned his paw pads!

What is Eosinophilic Granuloma? It as …..an auto-immune illness of the skin and shows up as lesions on many parts of the body such as thighs, stomach, nose, chin and mouth.

Helping your furry friend with this is a multi-faceted approach, it’s not a do one thing to cure it.

Allergies play a key role here , so you need to look at the environment the cat lives in, the food the cat is being fed, flea and tick treatments, what they are sleeping on as well as what shots they have been given.

And let’s not forget their mental well being. I always add that last part in because healing always has a mental component in my book.

Where to start? I always look at these three first.

  • Clean your house. This means start down the list of key toxins that might be lurking in  your house, such as dryer sheets – yes they are toxic and can reek havoc on your hormones. I use wool, dryer balls. Other items include, what cleaning products are you using? Are you using windex? or swifters? These are toxic to your cats. Cats live on the floor and on other surfaces, start looking at everything you use and start swapping htose things for more non-tox products. Are you diffusing essential oils? (please don’t do this unless they are safe for pets, more on that in another post). Are you using plug-in’s? I got rid of these asap. Cats respiratory tracks are not meant to tolerate the toxins and chemicals that these exude, nor are humans for that matter.
  • What are you feeding your animals? This is huge for our furry friends. This is a journey I went through, starting with weaning my cats from dry food and canned wet to just canned wet, to eventually raw food. This helped heal my cat immensely. And I believe in my heart of hearts that it also saved both us from further illness and vet visits.
  • Vaccinations and reactions to them. There are so many things inside these vaccines that our animals are reacting to from an acute and chronic perspective. The first step I took to heal my cat Bailey was to detox him from the rabies vaccine. I did a detox a few times throughout his healing journey.  Both an herbal detox and a homeopathic rabies detox. Cats don’t love herbs so you must dilute them in water or they will vomit and they can cause gastro- intestinal issues for the cat.  I do not give my cats any additional vaccines other than the original ones that they had prior to my adopting them. I know this is a controversial subject but I am sharing what I have done and what I am comfortable with. Personally, I believe we are over-vaccinating our animals which is leading to illness and sometimes death of our beloved pets. I believe in more “wisely vaccinating.”


So, I started with those three first along with searching for a holistic/homeopathic vet to help heal Bailey from this auto-immune illness. I found one , locally, and we started on his journey with homeopathy. And we have never looked back. We went through a few remedies before we landed on the one that really started to move his healing needle – Lachesis! And the magic started to happen!

It’s been quite some time since those early years but Lachesis worked and moved his healing about 80 percent. We used remedies to help with symptoms that are associated with Eocinophilic Granuloma complex as well. In the end, I  found a homeopathic combination remedy that helped to move him to a full recovery.

Homeopathy became my go-to medicine every since and I have never looked back. It was a long journey for Bailey and I and there are many parts of this story that would require a deeper dive. We have had three amazing vets that helped us along the way. We are forever grateful. There is also a great article on Eocinophilic Granuloma from the Two Crazy Cat ladies, who’s products I currently use for other issues with my cats. You can find it  here https://twocrazycatladies.com/eosinophilic-granuloma

Eocinophilic Granuloma healed in cats without drugs? Yes, it’s possible and there is hope!

With Grace,
