This website is amazing! I discovered it from one of my friends and I just had to share it with all of you! It is  It is here where you can rent designer dresses, gowns and accessories for special occassions like weddings, anniveries and a holiday gathering. 

How does it work? You pick out a dress and accessories you like, click on them to see if they are available on your specific date and they will ship it to you 1-2 days before hand to ensure you have it. They will even give you a backup size, so there will be no doubt you will have that unique outfit for that special day!

They give you a prepaid envelope to ship the items back for free! And they do the dry cleaning themselves!

How awesome is that! 

I cannot wait to try this out! Perhaps for my next new date – who ever he is watch out! lol!

Have fun with this and let me know if this works out for any of you..I will keep you posted!
