The Morning walk is something that I have started to integrate into my morning routine. I have found that it gives me great solace and calms my spirit. I get to listen to the sounds of nature and connect myself to something that is grounding and true.

The world we live in can be so noisy and “hi tech” with our face glued to a phone or computer screen. The news flashes everywhere and many of us long for an escape from it all if only for 30 minutes.

This morning I walked in the rain. And it was so delightful and refreshing. I got to see the fall decorations starting to appear and the autumn flowers starting to bloom.

As I walked, I just listened. I listened to the many types of birds talking, warning of us of the storm that was about to come, yet, they were flying around perhaps getting a few flights in before they went undercover.

And I listened to the distant thunder thinking I probably should head for home.

Instead, I popped open the umbrella and continued to shoot video and photos that inspired me.

I wanted to feel the rain on my face, the wind in my hair and hear Mother Nature in all her glory.

I didn’t listen to a podcast or some inspirational you tube video, no… I wanted the silence and the sounds of nature to call to me.

I find myself more drawn to nature than ever before these days. The world around us changing so quickly and it feels a bit too intense for my liking.

I think there comes a time in our lives where we begin to really reflect on what is important and what isn’t. We yearn for peace and contentment more than fame and fortune.

There are days where I wish I could just spend about two weeks in the woods or in a cottage by the ocean (yes, even at this time of year) and let the world go by, no responsibilities , nothing to think about, just a connection to nature and all its’ glory.

For nature doesn’t really over think things, she just ebbs and flows with the seasons. She knows when it is time to be still and when it’s time to grow.

Unfortunately my life right now doesn’t dictate a two week hiatus somewhere, so I will be content with my morning walks and all the peace that it brings me.

I encourage everyone to get a little bit of nature into their lives, whatever that looks like for you!
