Kimberley Barker

About Kimberley Barker

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So far Kimberley Barker has created 221 blog entries.

Four Building Blocks to Better Health for Your Pets

I get so many friends and family calling and/or asking me about their pet's health issues. I love to get these calls because that means I get another opportunity to help folks and their animals. When I get these calls, I always, always start with questions that target the conversation to what I consider four building blocks to better health for their pets. Those questions center around the following : A. What kind of food is the animal on? Did the food change? and when? food is extremely important for keeping our animals and ourselves healthy. I am a huge [...]

By |2022-01-14T15:17:25+00:00January 14, 2022|Pets, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Four Building Blocks to Better Health for Your Pets

Collagen- My Skin’s Best Friend!

Oh, where do I start when I talk about Collagen - My Skin's Best Friend? I have tried so many different powdered collagens and some of them are really great but I just didn't like the taste when I added them to my coffee or even put them in a smoothie. I wanted my coffee "pure" ,  just the way I stated in my blog post here: And then, one day a great friend of mine and I were having lunch and she introduced me to this great product! and I LOVE it and it's a liquid that taste [...]

By |2022-01-07T03:19:14+00:00January 7, 2022|Health, My Favorite Things|Comments Off on Collagen- My Skin’s Best Friend!

Remedies for Cold and Flu Season

As most of my friends and family know , I am a HUGE fan of homeopathy.  Whenever there is a health issue with myself, my animals, family or friends, that is where I turn. I am not a certified homeopath but I have had a LOT of experience with it with my animals (over 14 years) and their world-renowned homeopathic vets as well as trained human homeopaths over the last several years. It's that time of year, so I thought I would let you know what my favorite homeopathic remedies for cold and flu season are. Just a short note [...]

By |2022-01-06T21:41:02+00:00January 6, 2022|Health, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Remedies for Cold and Flu Season

My secret coffee recipe

.So many of my Airbnb guests and friends ask me "what is my secret coffee recipe?" In those early morning hours, they awake, walk into the kitchen and take a deep inhale to smell the aroma of that freshly brewed cup of coffee. I had them a special mug for whatever season we are in (Christmas, Easter, Fall) and pour. Their hands wrap themselves around the mug and feel the warmth. They raise the mug to smell and t They really enjoy the rich flavor that has a bit of a sweet, yet grounded, spicy kick. This is derived from [...]

By |2022-01-04T02:18:07+00:00January 3, 2022|AirBnB, Airbnb host, Food, Holidays, Uncategorized|Comments Off on My secret coffee recipe

Breakfast Brioche French Toast

I have always wanted to make Breakfast Brioche French Toast and never seemed to get around to it. This year, I was determined! Tuesday would be the last full day of my sister's visit this Holiday Season, so I wanted us to savor each moment. I searched online for recipes, found one I liked and headed to the store Monday evening. While searching the aisles, I couldn't locate the exact type of brioche bread I needed, but instead, found something called Challah bread at the bakery.  The woman working behind the bakery counter recommended this to me. It is   made [...]

By |2022-01-03T19:01:40+00:00December 30, 2021|Food, Holidays, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Breakfast Brioche French Toast

The Holy Mystery of Christmas

The Holy Mystery of Christmas is a phrase I read in one of my favorite books, Simple Abundance by Sara Ban Breathnach. When she spoke of Christmas in this way, it totally resonated with me. Because you see, it truly is a mystery to me.  Christmas and the birth of Christ is a sacred time when many of us around the world, stop to celebrate the birth of a child that had such a huge impact to our world centuries ago and yet, the impact is still felt today. What is the Holy Mystery of Christmas for you? The answer [...]

By |2021-12-26T03:25:34+00:00December 26, 2021|Holidays|Comments Off on The Holy Mystery of Christmas

Celebrating The Winter Solstice

It's December 21st, a day many of us are celebrating the Winter Solstice. How do you celebrate this day? As I write this, the sun is shining and it is about 28 degrees where I live, in Buffalo, NY. I can't think of more perfect weather to celebrate this day! This is the shortest day of the year and longest night. It celebrates a rebirth of sorts - interesting how it comes a few days before we celebrate the birth of Christ. I don't know much about this celebration, but what I do know is that for me and for [...]

By |2021-12-21T20:21:52+00:00December 21, 2021|Holidays, Inspiration, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Celebrating The Winter Solstice

Is this how our Story Ends as a Country? As a world?

Our country has spent the last, almost 18 months in turmoil. In fact, perhaps it's not just our country , but the world at large. As I listen and experience these times, my heart is saddened to see what we as a human race has allowed to happen. We have allowed fear to drive us to divide ourselves from each other. Everyone is so busy fighting for their position on whatever is the topic at hand, the elections, the virus, how the virus has been handled and now it's the vaccine - that we forget what is truly important. What [...]

By |2021-11-06T15:38:46+00:00May 20, 2021|Blog, Inspiration|Comments Off on Is this how our Story Ends as a Country? As a world?

Have you ever made Decorating and Design Mistakes? Yep, me too!

  I am in the midst of a redesign/remodel of one of my guest bedrooms. I rent two rooms in my house on Airbnb and I decided that the original trundle bed just wasn't doing it anymore. So, I sold it and bought a full size bed with this whole lighter/cleaner/softer look in mind.  I searched for a few days for the inspiration, looking at beds/mattresses and telling the mattress people - "I need the vision first" They thought I was crazy and just wanted to sell me a mattress - ugh.. Well, I met this woman at Metro Mattress [...]

By |2021-11-06T15:42:25+00:00May 11, 2021|Blog, Home and Garden|Comments Off on Have you ever made Decorating and Design Mistakes? Yep, me too!

Lifting the Veil of Fear and tuning into Love

  People often ask me what inspires my writing. My answer would be that it isn't just one thing in particular. It truly is what moves me at a moment in time. And yes, those things can vary so widely , but isn't life so amazing that it has so much inspiration to offer? Another question people ask me is , where do I write? and "on what"?  Well, that is a varied answer too. I do have a beautiful office, with yellow painted walls and my favorite white Pottery Barn desk and chairs. I write there quite often, but [...]

By |2021-11-06T15:39:47+00:00April 29, 2021|Blog, Inspiration|Comments Off on Lifting the Veil of Fear and tuning into Love
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