
PeriMenopause, a new phase of life

Entering a new phase of life with PeriMenopause can be at the same time daunting and enlightening at the same time. For anyone experiencing symptoms of this, is probably looking at me with ten heads saying - are you kidding me right now? It's awful!  I totally get it! I have been through it myself. And I can tell you I didn't like it either and I fought it most of the way, until.. I found guidance and teachers to help me get through. All those symptoms, hot flashes, sleepless nights, sweating in places you are embarrassed to admit, weight [...]

By |2022-03-16T19:15:30+00:00March 16, 2022|Health, Uncategorized|Comments Off on PeriMenopause, a new phase of life

Being Joyful even when the world is In Chaos

Being Joyful even when the world is in Chaos. Even that statement seems almost sacrilegious to say doesn't it? How can we by joyful when so many of our brothers and sisters in the Ukraine are suffering? Answer: It isn't easy. It isn't easy for any of us who are kind and caring souls. I had a rough couple of days last week, I found myself in a sea of sorrow, anger, grief, fear, confusion and a whole host of other emotions. I am certain I wasn't alone and I am sure there are many of us who are still [...]

By |2022-03-11T01:36:34+00:00March 11, 2022|Inspiration, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Being Joyful even when the world is In Chaos

Hair ReGrowth- Help Me!

Over the last two weeks, I have received several calls from friends/family and even friends of friends. All of whom have asked me what to do about hair regrowth-Help Me! Please! Whether you are a man or a woman, our hair means a lot to us - it's part of our identity. Hair loss can be from so many factors, including but not limited to  hormone changes, life stressors, or illness. Here is my recommendations to them every time! Eat good healthy fats! - Mmm..like my favorite avocado! and good healthy food! It's always first on any of my health [...]

By |2022-03-15T17:52:12+00:00February 16, 2022|Health, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Hair ReGrowth- Help Me!

Polish Nail Bar

I normally write posts with health and home information and inspirational thoughts. However , this post is about Polish Nail Bar in a little town called Clarence, NY. It's not far from me, maybe 20 -25 minutes. It's sort-of suburban/rural-ish. And is quite beautiful with miles of green pine trees and landscapes. There are also little vignettes of boutiques, salons and restaurants that are dotted around the area for folks to explore. Well, on one of my jaunts around town - I found this little gem! The Polish Nail Bar! You can find them on their website here: https://www.polishedwny.com/ It [...]

By |2022-02-09T20:56:26+00:00February 9, 2022|Health, Inspiration, My Favorite Things, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Polish Nail Bar

Be Curious

This was something I heard while listening to one of my favorite spiritual teachers, Gabby Bernstein. When you get a negative or fearful thought, "Be Curious."  Ask that thought what they want to teach you, what are you nagging me about? What do I do with you? - hahaha, that was my add-lib!. We often get stuck in our negative thinking loops and fear thoughts, oh my god, especially these last two years! How do we get rid of them and shut the door forever, one of Gabby's students asked. And she replied - "Be Curious." I thought that was [...]

By |2022-01-27T02:02:38+00:00January 27, 2022|Inspiration, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Be Curious

Raw and Real Cat Food Recipe

I have so many people asking me about how I make my Raw Cat Food recipe, so I thought I would put pen to paper (so to speak) and write it out here for everyone. I am a HUGE fan of raw cat/dog food. I have seen the benefits first hand and I will never go back! If you have been following my blog, I wrote a post entitled Four Building Blocks to Better Health for your Pet: .https://kimberleybarker.net/2022/01/four-building-blocks-to-better-health-for-your-pets/ and Food was the very first thing I mention in that post. Food is of utmost importance for all species that [...]

By |2022-01-25T20:11:53+00:00January 25, 2022|Pets, Uncategorized|2 Comments

Those Darn Dry Eyes

Oh my goodness, I used to see the advertisements on TV and thought oh my goodness that seems painful! And then...it happened to me...ugh.. and it is painful and they burn when you cry!  I work on a computer and a phone all day long and that doesn't help!  Can you relate? those Darn Dry Eyes! I went to the doctor and they didn't really offer me any help except for some eye drops. I tried them for a time and they really didn't uproot anything! Just a bandaid! Ugh.. and most of my friends no me - I am [...]

By |2022-01-14T16:51:12+00:00January 14, 2022|Health, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Those Darn Dry Eyes

Four Building Blocks to Better Health for Your Pets

I get so many friends and family calling and/or asking me about their pet's health issues. I love to get these calls because that means I get another opportunity to help folks and their animals. When I get these calls, I always, always start with questions that target the conversation to what I consider four building blocks to better health for their pets. Those questions center around the following : A. What kind of food is the animal on? Did the food change? and when? food is extremely important for keeping our animals and ourselves healthy. I am a huge [...]

By |2022-01-14T15:17:25+00:00January 14, 2022|Pets, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Four Building Blocks to Better Health for Your Pets

Remedies for Cold and Flu Season

As most of my friends and family know , I am a HUGE fan of homeopathy.  Whenever there is a health issue with myself, my animals, family or friends, that is where I turn. I am not a certified homeopath but I have had a LOT of experience with it with my animals (over 14 years) and their world-renowned homeopathic vets as well as trained human homeopaths over the last several years. It's that time of year, so I thought I would let you know what my favorite homeopathic remedies for cold and flu season are. Just a short note [...]

By |2022-01-06T21:41:02+00:00January 6, 2022|Health, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Remedies for Cold and Flu Season

My secret coffee recipe

.So many of my Airbnb guests and friends ask me "what is my secret coffee recipe?" In those early morning hours, they awake, walk into the kitchen and take a deep inhale to smell the aroma of that freshly brewed cup of coffee. I had them a special mug for whatever season we are in (Christmas, Easter, Fall) and pour. Their hands wrap themselves around the mug and feel the warmth. They raise the mug to smell and t They really enjoy the rich flavor that has a bit of a sweet, yet grounded, spicy kick. This is derived from [...]

By |2022-01-04T02:18:07+00:00January 3, 2022|AirBnB, Airbnb host, Food, Holidays, Uncategorized|Comments Off on My secret coffee recipe
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